The second edition of Volume 8 in the Institutes of Sports Ministry Series
This is the first practical sports outreach ministry book written specifically for the international sports ministry community and emerges out of the life experiences of both the author and other indigenous leaders from around the globe. Authored by the modern day Apostle Paul of sports outreach, this eigth book in the Institutes of Sports Outreach Series provides both the pragmatic "how-tos" for all sports ministers as well as the "academic" theologies and theories for university and seminary courses. Additionally through the telling of many stories from around the world, the reader will find practical application and inspiration to trust God more fully and grow in their calling, vision and ministry.
P.F. Myers is CSRM’s International Director and is a highly respected leader in the international sports outreach movement. He has been involved in sports outreach ministry for nearly three decades and lived or ministered in more than 80 countries. His manuals and video training series have been used the world over and have been translated into different languages. In his role with CSRM, he currently oversees six international staff and nearly two dozen Global Network Partners. His deep passion for equipping the local church to move from sports activity to sports ministry has inspired leaders around the world. While most people get injured playing sports, his major injury in life was when he broke three toes while “playing” the piano!!